Healing Eczema & Topical Steroid Withdrawal

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Our experience with TIny Health Gut Test

Ever thought about doing a stool test to help you along your healing journey? Cant afford a health care practitioner right now? Tiny Health bridges that gap by offering a stool test that can be done at home, with results that are emailed to you, complete with guidance and clear explanations. (pictures and key take aways at bottom).

When dealing with eczema, digestive issues, sleep problems, or other re-occuring health issues, doing a stool test can be a very helpful tool to help figure out what is going on. Often times there is an imbalance in the gut. It is better to test than guess and there are reasons why for this.

Probiotics are very over-prescribed and its usually just a guess as to which strains we need when we dont test. Little ones with eczema are even more sensitive, and probiotics can flare eczema and cause digestive issues. They can feed both the good and bad bacteria (usually there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria with eczema), some common strains are high in histamine, and some can give an over abundance of the wrong strain, causing an imbalance. By doing a stool test like Tiny Health, you get a full picture of exactly what good and bad bacteria is in the gut —which clues you in if you need a probiotic, how long you should take it for, and which strains you need. Another huge piece of the puzzle is how to go about the bad overgrowth. Probiotics will not kill bad overgrowth, in fact they may just feed it. By doing a stool test you can see exactly what/if bad bacteria is in the gut, and then you are given an action plan to help kill it. Sometimes its as simple as adding raw garlic and extra spices to the diet to help kill the bacteria.

We were working on healing our youngest daugthers re-occuring fungal rashes on her neck and creases, as well as her overall itchiness. We made great progress with what we were doing internally and externally, but we were a bit stuck. We didn’t know if adding in a probiotic would be helpful for her, or which one we should even do. We decided to do the stool test with her and I have included in the slides below just a little bit of the results we were given. The test results were so thorough and gave so many tips and tricks to maintain her gut health specifically.

Slide 1. What is shown below is where Faunas gut health compares to others her age. Her gut is in the 96th percentile which is amazing. That was a relief, but there is still some work to do. We saw that she had good levels of biffo. bacteria in her gut which can be a huge contributor to eczema if that is low.

Slide 2. You can see they gave a percentage (71.33%) for the biffo. which is right where you want it to be. They showed many different strains and how much she had. They flag anything that isn’t in range and give you action steps so you are equipped with advice on how to handle it.

Slide 3. It shows the flagged red triangle of Staph. Fauna has a higher amount of staph in her gut than is normal for her age range.

Slide 4&5. Tiny Health gave us action steps on how to treat this. Treating this staph is an important component of healing Fauna. You can work on diet, skincare, environmental toxins ect., but if there are untreated bacterial infections in the gut, eczema may never fully heal. We decided on my one-on-one call that I will consume the herbs (garlic and oregano) to pass through my breast-milk for her to help kill off the staph.
We also learned that she really didn’t need to be on a probitioc because her good bacteria was abundant. We were told we could put her on one for two weeks, but no more because then it could cause her to have too much biffo. bacteria which can cause problems. This is why testing is so helpful because you aren’t left to guess and continue to waste money on supplements! *They also look for markers that indicate food allergies, total immune inflammation and more.

As a part of buying their stool test kit, you get a 30 minute meeting with someone from Tiny Health where they help walk you through the results even further and answer questions. It is such a great option for people who aren’t working with a practitioner but still want to move forward in their healing journey. We decided this was best since we were already making progress and didn’t want to pay for a naturopath doctor (so expensive!!!). You will be told exactly what probiotic is needed (if it is needed), if any supplement is needed for the bad overgrowth, food recommendations and more based off of your results.

The only drawback to the test for us was that it doesnt test or pick up on candida. We decided to go for it anyway and just assume she has an overgrowth since all her symptoms point to it. Now that we know she has a staph overgrowth, by treating that it also treats the yeast. We are just starting to incorporate these herbs and I will be tracking progress that we make.

I would love to answer any other questions and share more about our experience! If you are feeling stuck in your eczema healing journey and not sure where to go next, this is a great next step. The Tiny Health baby kit is $250 and comes with a pdf download of the entire gut health results and a 30 minute consultation. Use REF-DELEXI3504 at checkout for a $40 off your test kit.

Key Takeaways

  1. Test don’t guess: probiotics can make eczema worse. They can also feed bad bacteria making the digestive issues and state of the gut worse.

  2. Treating bacteria overgrowth is ESSENTIAL in healing our eczema. By testing you can see just what overgrowth you have. Sometimes it can be as simple as adding potent herbs in your diet to help kill them off.

  3. There are many ways to support your gut other than simply taking a probiotic. Tiny Health gave us different tips and tricks to continue supporting her microbiome diversity.

  4. During the complimentary 30 minute session they will walk you through different markers if you flagged them as concerns such as allergies, digestive issues, sleep ect. There are different bacteria and strains that can affect how these present.

    *Use REF-DELEXI3504 at checkout for a $40 off your test kit.

    *this is our experience, not medical advice