our experience with acemannan

What is acemannan?

Acemannan is a complex polysaccharide found in the inner leaf gel of the aloe plant. Acemannan is composed of mannose, glucose and galactose monomers. Acemannan contains most of the nutritional qualities that makes aloe so healing.

This molecule is so potent, it has been putting autoimmune disorders into remission, helping cure eczema, fighting cancer, and so of course the pharmaceutical drug companies don’t want it advertised.

Acemannan has been clinically shown to:

  • support healthy inflammatory biomarkers: (often high when dealing with chronic illnesses)

  • Boosts Immunity: Enhances your body's defenses against illness and infection.

  • Supports Digestive Health: Soothes and heals the gut, promoting better digestion. (very important when trying to heal eczema!)

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Promotes collagen production for youthful, radiant skin.

  • Natural Energy Booster: Enhances vitality and stamina, keeping you active and alert.

  • Overall Wellness: Supports overall health and well-being. Increases stem cell production 300%-400%. Has a 10-fold impact on immune activation

  • Enhance the production of glutathione by 50%

It has over 700 studies and $200 million in research to back these claims up.

After I had read these potential benefits and did some research, I decided to try it on my 9 month old. We are about 3 weeks in, and are going very slowly.

Days 1-6 we did about 1/4 capsule

Days 6-12 we did about 1/2 capsule

Days 12- 19 we did about 2/3 capsule

Days 19- currently we do 1 full capsule and split the servings (1/2 capsule at a time twice a day)

Some things I have noticed since starting Acemannan (along with an IgG dairy free colostrum we starting after acemannan- I can write more on this!)

  1. Almost immediately calms the redness, especially on her cheeks.

  2. She was so constipated before. At one point we had to use a suppository on day 14 of her not pooping to get her to go. She is now going almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day. This is so exciting because we are also giving her minerals and an antifungal, so it is so important that she can eliminate those toxins.

  3. Her night time sleep has DRASTICALLY improved. She would be up for hours on end scratching, and about a week into this supplement routine she is no longer itchy at night besides the occasional itch. She goes right back to sleep though, and that has made a HUGE difference.

We still have healing to do, we are not totally there, but with just being on acemannan for this short amount of time we are so hopeful that between this and the other things we are doing to support her healing that we will eventually get there.

Let me know if you have any other questions- I’d be happy to share more about what Acemannan we use or about any part of our healing journey!


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