Our story

My husband and I got married at the young ages of 22. I still had a semester left of college at the time that I ended up completing while pregnant with my first son, Liam. Showing up to class with morning sickness was no joke! My pregnancy with Liam threw some intense health struggles my way and that was really the beginning of realizing placing my health in the hands of those around me was not working.

The first few months of Liams life were beautiful and relatively easy. It was around the 3 month mark when he started to break out in a whole body rash that was quickly diagnosed as eczema. We were told to start a steroid, and desperate to get him relief of the itching we complied. That was just the beginning of the problem. As soon as we would finish the round of steroids, he would break out in eczema all over again. We also discovered during this time that he had some severe food and environmental allergies. We were told to medicate him if uncomfortable and he will grow out of it. This went on for another year. During this time we experimented with different things. We removed foods from his diet, switched to non-toxic laundry and cleaning solutions, different supplements ect. but nothing made a difference.

Fast forward another year we continued to learn even more and even though we still applied the steroid creams we didn’t use them consistently and we were always reassured it was just fine and there are no repercussions. We tried different diets, parasite cleanses, supplements but as soon as the steroid ended his rash would become horrible. It presented itself as full body redness, flaking of his skin and intense itchiness that nothing could calm. We thought at the time it was eczema flares but under the guidance of our pediatrician we were informed of Topical steroid Withdrawal. This happened all around the same time that my third baby was born, who began to present similar issues as Liam. It was enough motivation for us to dive in and learn how to heal their bodies naturally. We knew it was the “harder” path but feel this is the way we are called to love our children.

While we are now learning how to manage TSW symptoms, we are continuing to try and heal the root cause of Liams eczema. We are then applying that to our youngest as well.

There is still so much we don’t know, but we have learned a lot along the way and my hope is to have a place that other moms can go to with simple solutions to help clean up their diet and lifestyle if they are presented with a child who has a chronic illness. It can be so overwhelming with all the different supplements and information, not to mention the amount of money!

We feel very passionate about taking care of our bodies and respecting them as sons and daughters of God. We believe healing is possible and are learning how to support our bodies so they can do what God designed them to do!