Find what Topical Skincare Routine is right for you

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I took a break from all things blogging and it was so nice to fully enter into the end of advent, and the beginning of the Christmas season.

Since this time of year is so cold and bitterly dry, I thought I would give an overview of what we do when someone has eczema, dry skin, or any itchy patches during this time of year. I have other blog posts that also go into detail of what we have done topically for different things like staph or candida overgrowth on the skin, TSW rash ect. If you are wondering if your eczema might also have a staph overgrowth- head to this blog. Just as an overview- approximately 8 or 9 out of 10 with eczema also have an increased amount of staph on their skin (staph overgrowth). It doesnt always mean there is an infection, but those are also more common in those with eczema. When there is a staph overgrowth eczema may appear raw, oozing, moist, and warm to the touch. If an infection is present there may be yellow fluid, yellow crusts, and pus.

My basic routine for any itchy patches is to first determine if there is staph or candida present, if not, then go with a moisturizer. You want something that is healing and anti-inflammatory. Over the counter lotions like Cetaphil, contain lots of questionable ingredients including alcohol, which can burn and dry. Aquaphor is another commonly reached for product, but it actually doesn’t moisturize at all, its a sealant and and is a petroleum by-product. We used this many years not knowing that it was trapping bacteria, and was just another stress on the body to detox. There are so many amazing and cost-friendly moisturizing and healing creams out there!

If you suspect bacteria is present, then go with a three step process and try to avoid moisturizers because they can actually feed the bacteria. It takes about 60-90 days to kill staph on the skin.

So — If you have dry skin with no suspected staph or candida, here are some of my favorite ways to moisturize:

Earthley Soothing Skin Balm or All Purpose Salve. 25% off soothing skin balm using code smootheme25 at checkout until 2/25/25. My link will get you 15% off your purchase!

Castor Oil

Tallow Balm ( this is a Tallow balm stick I LOVE and use as a part of my skincare routine)

Aloe Gel (look for one with no fillers/junk or fragrance- want at least 98/99% pure aloe).

These are just a couple of moisturizers that contain benefits for your skin that heal and moisturize. There are many other ones out there but we love these and use them all of the time.

If you aren’t sure, or suspect staph or candida may be present, here is a three step process that we have been using that has worked so well:

  1. spray an all natural anti-fungal/antibacterial on the skin. (rosemary hydrosol or active skin repair - more info below)

2. cover in castor oil (if skin is very dry - otherwise skip this step. Castor oil is also anti-bacterial so its a good option to use if staph/ candida could be present, but the skin needs some moisture). If the skin is weepy/oozy don’t apply this.

3. coat everything in a zinc cream

The combination of those three in my experience tackles all the things that may be going wrong on the skin— you may just have to play around with which products you like for each of those categories. We have found the ones that work best for us, and each kid even responds to some products better than others.

  1. Rosemary hydrosol is our family favorite. Everyone responds well to this. I use this on itchy patches, on diaper rashes (before I use my diaper balm), on the scalp for cradle cap after baths (great anywhere that yeast may overgrow), razor burn, and when I went through some postpartum hair loss I sprayed the areas I was losing hair. It is light and safe to use. It’s not as strong as essential oils and is packed with all of the nutrients and benefits.

    Active Skin Repair is an all natural anti-bacterial that works similarly to how our white blood cells work. It is HOCL which is what our white blood cells produce to aid in healing. It helps bring attention to the area that needs to be cleaned out. This got us through the worst of Topcial Steroid Withdrawal when he had staph all over his body. We love this product, but since we are through the worst of our flares, I tend to grab the rosemary hydrosol more since it is less expensive. Even if you don’t think you have staph on your ecezma patches, it doesn’t hurt to do this as the first step. You can monitor how your skin responds. (Diluted Apple Cider vinegar is also another option here).

    2. Apply Castor Oil- You can look for whatever castor oil you would like, but this one is what we have been using. I would choose one that is organic, pure and hexane free. Castor oil is incredibly anti-inflammatory and is easily absorbed by the body. I love using this on any dry skin and eczema patch, and unlike regular lotions, castor oil also contains anti-bacterial properties making it a better option to use on skin with staph/bacterial overgrowth. Another way I love to use castor oil is by putting a drop in the belly button. This is absorbed and because its so central to the body, is a natural way to help detox. I love doing it before bed.

    3. Coat everything in zinc cream. Zinc offers a range of benefits for the skin due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing properties. It plays a key role in skin health and can help with conditions like eczema, acne, and itching. It reduces inflammation, making it helpful for managing eczema, atopic dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin conditions. It can help soothe redness, irritation, and swelling. Zinc can alleviate itching by reducing histamine release, which is often elevated in eczema and other skin conditions. Zinc inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria on the skin, reducing the risk of infections, especially in conditions where the skin barrier is compromised. Zinc supports a healthy skin microbiome, preventing overgrowth of bacteria and fungi that can worsen eczema or cause irritation.

    Badger zinc cream is a favorite of ours. Always check the ingredients because they can often contain coconut oil, almond oi,l and fragrance, which can make skin worse/might be a sensitivity. I have also made my own zinc cream which is not only much more cost effective, but you can strengthen it with the amount of zinc powder you use. I have this zinc oxide powder.

I hope this information gives you some ideas of what may help with whatever skin ailment you may have. When it comes to eczema, the rash on the skin is merely a symptom, and applying the cream doesn’t heal the body- but in my experience it makes a big difference having a good skincare routine to keep bacteria and itch at bay while you continue to heal internally.


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