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Got Mold in your home? Here are some easy ways to clean up your air

In the eczema and allergy world you might hear the term, “root cause” which refers to what is driving the symptoms that are happening. There are different root causes, but a big one for people can be mold.

I was confused when I first read this because mold is literally everywhere, it seems you’d have to live in a bubble to avoid it.

If you look back to the way people used to live, homes were much more ventilated. They were not so protected from the outdoors. Gaps in the exterior let air through, windows were open more, and you lived more in tune with the seasons. Our homes now are sealed very well. That is great because we have better temperature control on the inside, but that creates little air flow and any humidity is a perfect breeding ground for mold to grow.

I have also learned that pretty much every home has some level of mold, but some have higher and more dangerous types and overgrowth than others. If you have a compromised system this could be enough to keep you chronically ill.

The first thing to do if you suspect mold is to search around your home for any visible signs of mold. That can look like many different things. This article explains some things you can look for. Even if you don’t have any visible signs, there still may be mold. That is what an ERMI test can be helpful for. It is a test where you collect dust and send it in. With the sample they tell you what types of mold are found, and compare the amount to a “normal” amount of mold. That way you know if what you are living with is much higher than what is livable. We ordered an ERMI test and had our results emailed right to us. Our results came back and we were able to rule out that mold was probably not the driving force in our chronic illnesses. It was really helpful and easy!

Mold tests are not cheap though, and if you aren’t in a place to order one, or are simply not ready, there are things that you can do to help clean up your air.

  • open your windows as much as possible, no matter the weather! Try for early mornings or overnight if its a hot season. During cold seasons, even having them open for 5-10 minutes allows for some fresh air in.

  • Invest in a quality air purifier. We put an Air Doctor in our sons room and it has made a huge difference. If you have carpet, I would suggest putting the air filter there first.

  • Get your HVAC cleaned, and keep up with replacing the filter. If you have mold, it will circulate through the house every time the A/C is on. Having it cleaned out can minimize dust, which also helps reduce the mold exposure.

  • If you are flaring, up your vitamin C, quercetin and minerals. D-Hist is a great easy chewable supplement that is supportive. For minerals using a high quality sea salt and adding that to your water is helpful and the most affordable way to go about it. Sometimes we need some extra support. We started using Biofulvic and Humic Minerals and it has been absolutely amazing the difference it has made in our son. It is packed full of minerals, electrolytes and also binds to toxins to gently detox.

  • Detoxing mold is a big stress on our bodies, so supporting your liver is helpful. We do castor oil packs, dandelion root tea and in the past we have used BioRay calm.

  • Dust as much as possible. Dust harbors mold which is why mold tests use the dust from your home. Vacuuming and dusting helps reduce your exposure.

There are so many ways to support yourself if you are exposed to mold. These are just a few that we do but I would love to hear any other recommendations!