Home-Made Hemp Milk — The Health Benefits of this nutrient dense powerhouse

Looking for a dairy/nut free alternative to milk that is nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals? Homemade 4 ingredient hemp milk is creamy, delicious and a nutrient dense power house for those who cant tolerate or want to cut down on dairy or nuts. Although hemp milk can be bought at the store, making it at home drastically lowers the cost and you avoid all the gums and fillers that come with store bought.

*I am a huge proponent of raw cows milk and goat milk but during this stage of healing we have those foods removed in hopes to re-test allergens and reintroduce these milks slowly. Hemp milk is one of the more nutrient dense milks I have found, although I know the one draw back is the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. Despite this, there are many benefits that I think can serve our health!

Hemp hearts are loaded with vitamins, minerals, proteins and omegas. Just 3 tbsp of hemp seeds contain 10 g of protein. Because of the fats in these seeds, the milk comes out really creamy with a slight nutty flavor. Hemp milk also contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein and easier to digest.

My tip to make this milk even more gut-healing and immune-boosting, try adding Mega IgG.

Mega IgG provides concentrated bovine immunoglobulins that help protect the gut lining and support immune function, similar to the benefits found in raw colostrum. Paired with nutrient-dense hemp milk, this combo offers dairy-sensitive individuals a powerful alternative for gut health and immune support, mimicking the wholesome benefits of traditional raw milk/colostrum.My kids LOVE this milk. Its a great snack, great to bake with and my next project is to see how it does being foamed for a latte.


  • 1/2 cup organic hemp hearts (love our Thrive- brand hemp hearts!)

  • 3-4 cups of water (play around with it to see how creamy you like your milk)

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)

  • 1 Tbps maple syrup (optional)

  • 1 capsule Mega IgG (optional)


  • blend all ingredients on high in blender for about 1 minute or until thouroghly combined.

  • strain with cheesecloth or thin towel.

  • store in fridge for about 5 days

serve on its own, mix in the Mega IgG supplement, stir in some chocolate but most importantly —



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